What a fantastic success the '7 streets' street party was!
The day kicked off with some words from our very own Queen of Hurst Park, long-time resident Mrs Rosa Tripp, resplendent in purple silk and a tiara. An estimated 300 people (including the Mayor and Mayoress) came along to meet, chat, eat and dance the night away to some fantastic local bands. As well as giving us all a thoroughly wonderful day, much-needed funds were raised for four good causes. Donations were made to the Red Hen Project, Yemen STC and Resettle Chesterton, and as you can see, our young neighbours Nathan and Maya from Orchard Avenue raised £112 for Oxfam selling their cakes and cookies. A big thank you must go the tireless organisers, and to the thirty or so volunteers who arrived in the morning to put up bunting and balloons, erect tables and gazebos, run the stalls and activities and stayed to clear everything up at the end. They would really appreciate your feedback on the party: what went well, and what could be improved? Please do let them know.