We are sorry to let you know that our neighbour Rosie, resident of Hurst Park Avenue for more than 30 years, died last month in the Arthur Rank Hospice. Born in Nottingham, she studied nursing and eventually rose to the senior position of clinical nurse specialist in the haematology and oncology unit at Addenbrooke’s Hospital. A wheelchair user since a rare spinal stroke in 2013 left her without the use of her legs, she worked tirelessly to support Backup, the charity for people with spinal injuries, and in 2017 led a team of friends and neighbours - the ‘Women of Altitude’ in the photo above - up mount Snowdon in a fundraising challenge called the Snowdon Push.
Rosie's zest for life and commitment to our community was undimmed despite the pain she suffered as a result of her injury, and she was part of numerous initiatives including Camcycle, the Labour Party, and Resettle Chesterton, in which she played a pivotal role. She loved camping, especially on her beloved Norfolk coast, working on her allotment, and taking part in a regular women’s walking group. She was a hugely kind, energetic and inspiring woman, and she’ll be sorely missed by her family (Dave, Jack, Eve and Beth) and her many, many friends.
