One attractive and notable feature of our estate is its 'garden suburb' character. At one time every house had a front garden, and all the streets were lined with trees and grass verges which makes the area feel so green and verdant.
Times change, and in recent years many home-owners have opted to expand their off-road parking, and we are anticipating that many of us will want to do so in future. But, did you know that aside from the loss green space and wildlife habitats that results from such changes, you are required to obtain planning permissionto create a hard surface of more than 5 square meters (a space 2.5m x 2m square - not large enough for a car) unless you use porous materials such as gravel?
We are putting together some information for residents that we hope will be helpful when you are making decisions about landscaping front gardens, offering examples of porous and wildlife friendly landscaping that would not require planning permission. Watch this space!