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Our local historians Rachel Aucott and Jim Smith, creators of a wonderful website about our neighbourhood, have now used their research to produce an exhibition about industry on the Estate at Cambridge Museum of Technology. The display focuses mainly on how agriculture and industry here gave way to housing as Cambridge expanded into Chesterton after 1911. Museum Curator and Orchard Ave resident Pam Halls said: 'I was so impressed by Rachel and Jim's research and the way they went about it. Involving the local community is what we like at the Museum, and this is an excellent example. Jim and exhibitions volunteer Harriet O'Rourke have created a really attractive display with some fascinating archive material about the area, its industry, and its people. It complements the Museum's work on Cambridge's industrial history.

The exhibition, included with entry to the Museum, will run from October 23rd until April 2022. The Museum is open at weekends but please check opening times here.

Jim and Rachel will also be giving a talk at the Museum on Monday 13 December at 7pm. Tickets will be £3 on the door (free for Museum members and volunteers).



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