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In 2018 a development frameworkwas produced for Mitcham's Corner which outlined a number of concepts which could be used to try and make it a better environment for people using the area. Its central proposal was dispensing with the one-way gyratory system as it creates relatively high traffic speeds and divides the area, and replacing it with two-way traffic calmed roads, with one road connecting the eastern and the western parts. There would be a larger pedestrianised area in the southern part illustrated above. Obviously, it is an objective that traffic should still flow and this should still be feasible by using roundabouts at either end rather than traffic lights.

There now seems to be a possibility that this might be funded by the GCP if there were widespread support for it. It has been suggested that the budget for this would be about £4m, which is not a great deal compared to current GCP Projects, and so Councillor Jocelynne Scutt is planning to make a case for it, and has asked for HPERA's input. Please let us knowwhat you think about these ideas.

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