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Highworth Avenue/Milton Road junction works


Works will begin on the remodelling of the north west quadrant of the Milton Road roundabout - the junction with Highworth Avenue - from this coming Monday 19th June. At first two-way traffic will be maintained, and so cars, bikes and pedestrians will still be able to enter and leave Highworth Avenue, although extra care will be needed and a pedestrian and cycle diversion will be in place. Please note that some on-street parking at the bottom end of Highworth Avenue will be suspended to facilitate the work, and residents who normally park on the street will need to park further up the road or in the adjoining streets.

From 31 July, the roundabout junction will be fully closed to all motor vehicles while the work continues, although there will still be access for pedestrians and bicycles. To allow vehicle access to and from houses in Highworth Avenue, the planters close to no. 48, which currently block the intersection with Leys Road either side of the cycle path. will be removed until the work is complete, which should take 2-3 months. Residents of Highworth Avenue wishing to drive from or to their homes during this time will need to go via Leys Road and then either Arbury Road or Leys Avenue. Residents of Leys Road and elsewhere in the estate should be aware that there will be more car traffic at this time.

Once the work is complete, new planters will be reinstated between Highworth Avenue and Leys Road, and we have the opportunity to request that different materials are used to create a more attractive area less prone to damage. We could also suggest modifications to the placement and vegetation of the planters. We would like to discuss with residents - especially residents of Highworth Avenue and Leys Road - the best approach, before we make any suggestions to Milestone. If you'd like to be part of an initial conversation about a landscape design, please let us know.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns about the work being undertaken, you can reach the Milestone project team by emailing them or phoning the 24 hour contact centre on 0800 023 4762.



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