As you will have gathered from our newsletter earlier this week, our local city councillors organised a meeting last night to let residents know about the results of the consultation about the possibility of a residents' parking scheme that took place last autumn. Officers from the GCP had been persuaded to attend the meeting so that residents were informed of the results before the 'purdah' period that takes place before every election. Had the meeting not gone ahead we would not have been informed of the results until after the election. Despite the very short notice, around 100 people went along to the meeting. GCP officers reported that 'more than 50%' of respondents were in favour of the introduction of a residents' parking scheme and therefore a Traffic Regulation Order will now be drawn up which will give much more detail about the plan. It should be noted that the consultation was open to everyone living within the whole area covered by the proposal. No detail was given on the percentage in favour in different areas, so we don't know what proportion of the residents of our estate support the idea. The meeting was also informed that:
Residents will be able to comment further on the detail in the TRO when it is published, including the location and number of parking bays, signs and yellow lines;
The earliest time for the introduction of the scheme would be spring 2024;
Times of operation would be the same as the current Ascham scheme, ie 9.30am - 3pm, Monday - Friday;
Parking bays have been restored to Arbury Road following survey feedback - this aspect of the original plans was obviously very unpopular;
The north side of Arbury Road would be outside the scheme;
Other possible changes to Arbury Road (ie one-way traffic or a modal filter) could be considered separately in future, independently of this scheme;
A southbound 'advisory' - ie shared - cycle lane will be construced at the south end of Arbury Road;
Some spaces for both residents with permits and visitors who would pay for parking is being considered for the Milton Road ends of both Arbury Road and Hurst Park Avenue;
Some parts of Mulberry Close (ie public roads) would be included in the scheme, but private spaces would not;
Disabled residents can apply for a marked disabled bay outside their home, linked to their own car. In addition anyone with a blue badge can park in any residents' bay without needing a permit. And blue badge holders can lend their badge to any carer who visits.
We will of course let you know of any further detail if we receive more information.