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There was a good turn out for the GCP's drop-in meeting about the possible Milton Road parking scheme held recently at Chesterton Community College. We were disappointed at the quality of the materials available, but pleased to have the opportunity to talk to officers, particularly about the surprise removal of up to 53 parking spaces from Arbury Road, which would have a huge impact on parking spaces in our neighbourhood if that aspect of the proposals goes ahead. There will be an online meeting this Wednesday, 2 November at 6pm, which will provide another opportunity to ask questions about the proposals. You can register for the event here. You can find the full details and maps, as well as a link taking you to the survey here, or request paper copies of the maps and questionnaire either by emailing or phoning the GCP on 01223 699906. Please note this is your chance to influence whether there will be a scheme at all, and if so, how it is designed. The consultation closes at midday on 14th November, so please make sure you respond by then. No aspect of the proposal is set in stone, so we do have an opportunity to influence the design of any scheme at this stage. When responding you may want to consider:

Whether you are in favour of a scheme at all. It's worth remembering that we can expect around 50 cars will be displaced from Milton Road when the parking spaces there are removed in the next few weeks and months, and that new developments on the edges of the city will certainly lead to increased numbers of commuters looking for places to park. If we reject a scheme now, we may well find it more difficult to park on the street in future.

  • If you are in favour of a scheme, are the parking spaces shown on the maps in the right places? For instance in some roads they are shown on the right at one end of the road and then on the left at the other. Would it be better to place them on alternate sides all the way down?

  • Should there be some pay & display spaces or spaces with free parking for a limited time, especially near shops and the dental surgery on HPA?

  • Should there be some spaces devoted to car clubs?

  • Should there be electric charging points?

  • Should there be bike parking on the road?

  • Are the proposed times (9.30am-3pm) acceptable? Could we suggest a shorter time that would still have the effect of eliminating commuter parking?

  • Should parking spaces on Arbury Road be removed to make room for a cycle lane? This proposal came as an unwelcome surprise to residents of Arbury Road and to CamCycle, and would inevitably displace cars into our estate.

Please make your views known and respond to the consultation by midday on Monday 14 November.



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