Sunday 24 September - 10am - 2pm
outside 74 Hurst Park Avenue
Do you have an apple tree in your garden? Lots of apples going to waste? Would you like to put them to good use - or help your neighbours by offering your time to chop, juice and bottle? Please join us for our first ever community apple pressing day on Sunday 24 September. We plan to pool our efforts (and our apples!) and make some apple juice for everyone to take home. Our neighbour Robin from Cam Home & Garden will help by loaning some of the equipment and advising those of us who are interested on how to turn the juice into cider. If you're interested in taking part, please put the date in your diary. We'll send out more information in due course, but for the moment:
Let us know if you're coming, if you can donate apples, and if so, whether they are eaters or cookers. We are especially keen on eating apples but we can use some cookers too. You may have friends or neighbours who'd like to donate some too!
Save and sterilise screw top glass or plastic bottles so that you can take juice away;
Let us know if you can lend any large buckets or an apple press - we have a couple but the more we have, the more juice we can make!
If you have a grapevine, and would like to make grape juice or wine, we'd be happy to do this too!