Our environment
Many of us appreciate the tree-lined roads and lovely green spaces that characterise the Hurst Park estate. We want to preserve and improve the local environment, so that it can continue to be enjoyed by everyone for many decades to come. Some of our initiatives designed to make the neighbourhood an even better place to live are described below. Please get in touch if you'd like to help, or if you have other ideas or suggestions.
Homes fit for the future
It's no longer news that our planet is facing a climate and biodiversity emergency. The 5 hottest years ever recorded by the UK Met Office have all taken place since 2006 (and conversely four out of the five coolest all took place more than a century ago). We now have unprecedented rainfall and unprecedented energy costs too.
HPERA resident (and Passivhaus architect) Anna Pamphilon gave a fascinating presentation at the 2024 AGM on what we can all do to reduce our homes' impact on the environment, and make them more comfortable and cheaper to run too. You can find her slides, with multiple tips about insulation, solar panels, green energy, encouraging biodiversity and reducing the impact of increased rainfall here and her handy log of measures taken by local people here.
We're also pleased to share Andrew Milbourn's experience of installing external wall insulation on his house in Leys Avenue, and Michael Page tells us about his experience with solar panels and an electric car.
Intersection Highworth Avenue/Leys Road
The intersection between Highworth Avenue and Leys Road has long been problematic. Officially closed to motor vehicles some years ago, with a single central cycle lane between the two roads, in practice it is used not only by cycles, but also by electric bikes and scooters, mopeds - and, illegally, by motorbikes. The single lane, coupled with the blind corner and sheer volume of traffic, led to residents' concerns about safety. In addition the old concrete planters and wooden bollards were damaged regularly by reversing lorries.
The intersection between the two roads was briefly reopened to motor traffic during the Milton Road works project, and the GCP project manager offered to improve the area rather than reconstruct exactly as before. HPERA liaised with local residents to try to find an acceptable solution despite many differences of opinion about what the best options might be. In the end a new design has been proposed, with separate cycle paths for north and southbound traffic, more planters and higher planting to create a sense of peace to try to slow down traffic, improved roadmarkings and metal bollards and planters to offer better resistance to damage. You can find the plan here.
Trees are officially good for you. They provide shade, help prevent flooding, keep us cool, and provide habitats for birds, bats, bees and other wildlife. They're good for our mental health, and good for house prices too. We're lucky to have plenty of trees in our neighbourhood, both in people's gardens, but also in the streets.
We've been working with the council to make sure our estate becomes even greener. They've planted lots of new trees in our neighbourhood, but please let us know if you spot a gap where a tree could thrive, or where there's a dead tree that needs replacing.
You can help by planting trees in your garden, and by watering young trees near your house.
A new border
A group of residents got together in 2020 to clear and replant a border at the bottom of Hurst Park Avenue that had become very overgrown and choked with weeds.
We were keen to make the new border as biodiverse as possible, so we retained the wildflowers that flourish there, while planting shrubs, bulbs and perennials to create an attractive and wildlife-friendly area.
However it does need some attention to keep it looking good - please volunteer if you can offer occasional help!

Spring bulbs
In 2020, we offered spring bulbs at cost price to residents to plant around the trees and in the verges outside their houses. These brightened the neighbourhood beautifully and we plan to do the same again this year. Perhaps together we can make sure that there are bulbs outside every house! Let us know if you'd like to take part.
Arbury hedge
In December 2018 we were surprised to discover that the hedge separating the cycle path and the play area in Arbury Court park was to be removed. Our neighbour Alex Tait, who lives nearby, staged a sit-down protest, complaining that there had been no consultation or warning, and that no plans had been published, but the hedge was removed. HPERA campaigned to have the hedge reinstated, believing that it was necessary for reasons of safety and biodiversity, and in November 2019 it was eventually replanted.